Coach Elissa

Private Consult with Elissa

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Private Consult with Elissa

The first thing I do is LISTEN to you.

Tell me what’s going on right now.

What would you like to change?

I’ll ask lots of questions, to get to know YOU.

My philosophy?

Every body is brilliant, beautiful & always healing.

Including YOURS!

I do things differently... you can get transformational results:

get curious about the roadblocks & barriers

✅ identify simpler paths to spectacular healing & lasting health

✅ integrate your best functional, holistic & gut-healing choices

Together we’ll make a plan that’s perfectly customized for you :)

Get ready for these life-changing discoveries:

⭐  what choices heal (or hinder) your body & mindset 

⭐  exactly how to recover from setbacks (we all have them!)

⭐  how to have FUN doing it!

YES - fun is essential to healing ;)

Instead of feeling sick, stuck & tired... you want to feel vibrant, free & energized to LIVE a life you LOVE?


You CAN, when you register TODAY for this life-changing 55-minute transformation session.

Let's get started ❤️

PLUS - LIMITED-TIME BONUS - schedule your single session NOW & save 50% off any 25- or 50-minute follow-up sessions.

Total due $325

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