Work with Elissa


You’ll discover the hidden roadblocks that have been stopping you & the simplest paths to your deepest healing and most joyful life - naturally!  

Elissa holds a decade of experience researching, and coaching the most effective and approachable ways to nurture & heal your gut, so every system in your body can thrive!

She knows how to help you to help your child in the most insightful way - so that you both have fun becoming completely confident in your bodies and ability to make choices that work best for each of you, in every moment.

That doesn’t mean being perfect!

Because the only thing that’s certain in life is… change.  

YOU are a brilliant natural system, with a universe of helpful microbes within you!

Your body is always adapting to the rhythms and cycles of nature.

And every body is programmed to heal.

We just need to figure out what’s getting in the way. 

Together, we can identify the choices that cause problems.

Then you’ll identify what feels better - so you and your child will be 100% in control of your health and happiness… confidently, calmly, for life.

If that sounds good to you, I’m excited to meet you and get started!


“I recommend this program to any of my friends, family and health coaching clients and colleagues with children. Elissa is an incredibly responsive, intuitive and supportive coach who I loved interacting with throughout the program. Her focused coaching on the group coaching calls was so beneficial because she gets down to the basics principles of transformation so you come out of the session with practical baby steps to take forward for the following week.” — Alex

“To all the struggling mommas out there, who try to feed their kids healthy food, yet feel that gut-wrenching pain most days cause their kid is sick and not getting better... work with Elissa! and use the commitment as a chance to be supported on a very tough journey.

When I first heard you, Elissa, on a summit talk about helping your kids and feeling less stress around it,
I knew I needed your support.

I was a mess about them. Anxiety all the time, worrying about them to the point I was frozen and didn’t know how to help them. I felt helpless and scared most of the time. My daughter was just diagnosed with celiac, my son had gotten this crazy rash and tested positive for parasites. I had just quit my job and pulled my kids out of school cause I knew something had to change. At the time I dreaded feeding my kids, cause it was so hard all the time.

A powerful moment working with you was this realization that they are gonna be ok. That I can help them and it isn’t a emergency. Also the realization that helping myself calm down would help them calm down was pretty huge too. They feed off of me so my worrying about them was just making everything worse. I still worry and somedays it goes to far again. Now I remind myself gently to get back to knowing they are ok and to take care of me. My most exciting moments were when Grace would eat something for the first time…
Those moments feel so good!!!

To all the struggling mommas out there, who try to feed their kids healthy food, yet feel that gut-wrenching pain most days cause their kid is sick and not getting better... work with Elissa! ” — Sarah S

“I just want to tell you how grateful I am that you include that box of supplies. If I had to get them myself, I would be worrying about the price of each individual bottle, and probably not getting most of them. Instead, I have been taking these supplements and I feel great. And the other gifts are just so sweet and wonderful, thank you! ” — S.V.

“My family is doing great... seeing wonderful things with G - [after replacing dairy with foods that really nourish him] he has been completely snot free for a whole month and a half so we are very thrilled with that.” — Samantha

“Gut Health Mamas is an amazing program! Elissa is so kind, informative, and easy to work with. She gives simple action steps that are fun and easy to implement for you and your family. The knowledge she provides is so helpful when trying to navigate the health world-she simplifies a lot of the confusing information out there. The group sessions are supportive and it’s great to be able to share ideas with other mamas who are trying to improve health, too. The personal sessions with Elissa are so great-it’s like talking to a friend. She is honest, supportive, and so helpful!

My family had been eating pretty healthy and I thought I knew a decent amount about gut health before starting this program, but I am amazed and excited about all the new information and the improvements on the way we look at food. Changing your diet can be a challenge, but we now look at it as an opportunity to better our health!” — Sarah D

“Elissa Arnheim and the Gut Health Mamas program has been wonderful for my family and just what we needed! Elissa has an amazing amount of knowledge and personal experience with gut healing and overall health for the entire family. She is so kind and genuinely wants to help mothers and families during their journey. She has been my go-to resource to walk me through all the information out there in all these topics, she has the knowledge to help you muddle through what your individual needs may be. Joining this group has been the best thing I have done for my family’s healing journey. I have a safe place of support to go to with any questions anytime and Elissa’s knowledge is remarkable!” — Rachael

Success story on my picky eater who has a super small appetite.  He is eating way more, he has been eating his vegetables without complaint, and his mood has been substantially better! Wins all around!   Katie

His behavior has improved.  Woohoo!  — Katie S

Wanted to share successes from these 1rst couple days.  Everyone ate the ground beef with onions, cauliflower rice, and avocado, no complaints and even had seconds!   Thank you for the amazing support and tips Elissa! — Kimberly

My 12 yr old couldn't stop snacking on the kale chips and better yet, my 4 yr old picky eater kept coming back for more too! My non-vegetable eater!! :) — Kim

Tonight I served sauerkraut with diner along w/ hot dogs and kale chips and EVERYONE tried it!  Actually ate a lot so I was VERY excited… thanks again for all this great knowledge and motivation! Xoxo  — Alice

Wow! I am loving all the info and support.  I’m also celebrating being here with all of you because it feels amazing to be in a group that has the same wants and struggles as you.  — Elise

My son is eating mashed avocado with sauerkraut brine in it! — Elise

Elissa’s program has made a HUGE difference  - we used to always be on stress-watch for my son’s bad moods… that’s solved!  We can handle the other healing now that his moods are cool. — Meryl

Just to let you know, it’s working… much better moods. — Meryl

My son refused a cupcake at school! — Amy

My 6 yo took the big bowl of salad & was feeding herself fistfulls!  She started the dinner by saying “You don’t have to give me salad. It’s not really my thing.”  I think her gut & her brain beg to differ!! — Kristy

My daughter is eating bigger portions, will settle for an apple or carrot verses a tantrum, is eating chicken and is much more comfortable around food!  Elissa you are such a blessing in our lives! — Sara

Thank you Elissa very much for your answers and your support! You are amazing! Your positive energy is really contagious, and you are so dedicated and caring. Big hug!  — Daniella

My kids actually ask for fermented veggies during dinner (cabbage/fennel/onions/kale/beets/radish) even my picky eater!  Thanks for all you do! — Meryl

Working with Elissa has been great to keep me focused on how the little choices add up to big wins. It has taken away my anxiety about how to get my son’s diet to improve with simple strategies to try until something clicks. My son has recently made a choice to eat a salad and noticed how he felt better the next day.  Looking forward to more little wins! — Teresa

Elissa’s simple steps opened my daughter up to eating more vegetables and - no exaggeration - CRAVING salads!  Honestly this was life changing for us. GAME-CHANGERS for our family.  Now my daughter and I both crave salad and certain veggies and it motivates me to take the time to make a salad or cook up some veggies. — Kristy

You did a great job explaining digestion in a concise, yet practical/actionable way.  Very helpful!  Thank you! — W. B. 

Thanks, Elissa - we found you very animated and fun as well! — R. D. 

I like the concise bullet format of your materials to summarize the week’s topic and the access to the group discussions and audio lesson for learning at my preferred pace and schedule. — Teresa

This course was absolutely fabulous! Your research was extremely thorough and professionally presented.  I learned a lot!  Please, please keep up the great work!  — S. D

Thank you Elissa for a very important & excellent course. I have already implemented what I learned, and shared with others.  You have a wonderful manner of teaching! — L. K. 

Thanks so very much Elissa – you’re so very clear and helpful in your answers. — D. D. 

We’ve 100% turned a corner!  Thank you for your support. — A. T.

Thank you Elissa.  The work you put out into the world is an inspiration! — A. Z. 

I want to tell you how much your information about constipation helped me.  Keep doing what you are doing and changing people’s lives. — K. B.